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IDB Chemical management seminar for Japan and Korea 11/23日本及韓國化學品管理最新趨勢說明會 開放報名 2023-11-06
IDB Registration Seminar holding on Oct 5. Mr.Kimmy Wu as speaker!經濟部工業局【全球化學品法規管理及因應策略宣導說明會】將於10/5舉辦,歡迎報名 2022-09-08
The deadline of PEC106 Standard Registration extending until 2024.12.31因應疫情影響環署106種既有物質標準登錄期限延至113年 2021-12-03
IDB Registration Webinar holding on Oct 5. Welcome to join敬邀參加!經濟部工業局【歐盟化學品管理與產品永續因應策略宣導會】2021-09-09
EPA announced the Draft Amendments to the Regulations for New and Existing Chemical Substances Registration環保署預告修正「新化學物質及既有化學物質資料登錄辦法」草案 2021-05-28
First-Year Implementation of the Prioritized Existing Chemical Substance (PECs) Registration 2020-12-24
IDB Registration Seminar holding on Oct 14. Welcome to join!經濟部工業局【國際化學品法規及趨勢因應策略宣導說明會】(10/14) 歡迎報名參加!2020-09-04
Registration seminar by EPA TCSB will be held in Aug-Sep. 109年度環保署化學局化學物質登錄說明會正式開放報名 2020-07-28
PEC Registration Update of the Taiwan TCCSC Act Revised registration guideline to allow flexibility 台灣TCCSC法案的PEC登錄更新 修訂後的登錄指南具有靈活性 因疫情影響可能展延登錄期限 2020-07-03
Guidance for Priority Existing Chemical Substances Standard Registration in Taiwan released「既有化學物質標準登錄資料撰寫指引第一版」公告 2020-06-12
Registration webinar by TCSB Consulting Center will be held on April 21-22 (CST) 109年上半年度「新化學物質及既有化學物質資料登錄配套措施及系統辦理說明會」2020-04-15
Webinar by TCSB Consulting Center will be held on Nov, 29, 2019, 08:00-09:00 (CST) 化學物質登錄諮詢窗口將在2019年11月29日辦理線上說明會 2019-11-26
Questionnare survey for the Phase II Standard Registration of Existing Chemicals 廠商因應策略調查:指定既有化學物質標準登錄 2019-11-01
2019.07.19 Taiwan Phase II Existing Substance Standard Registration Seminar 台灣第二階段既有化學物質標準登錄交流會 2019-06-28
2019 REACH Seminar on May 24 2019-05-02 敬邀參加5月24日於高雄福華飯店舉辦的REACH研討會
Taiwan Council of Agriculture Proposed Alignments of Pesticide Labeling with WHO/FAO/UNGHS 預告「農藥標示管理辦法」部分條文修正草案 2019-02-22

Taiwan Executive Yuan Passed the Amendment of TCSC Act「毒性化學物質管理法」修正案三讀通過 開創化學物質管理新紀元 2018-12-21
Webinar by TCSB Consulting Center will be held on Dec. 20, 2018, 19:00-20:30 (CST) 化學物質登錄諮詢窗口將在2018年12月20日 19:00-20:30(台灣時間)辦理線上說明會 2018-12-10
Update on Amendment Progress of TCSB Chemical Substance Registration Regulation and MOL Hazardous Chemicals Labeling and Hazard Communication Regulation 新化學物質及既有化學物質登錄修正條文公開評論截止日期2018/06/03及預告「危害性化學品標示及通識規則」部分條文及第12條附表4修正草案 2018-04-10
Taiwan OSHA soliciting comments on the proposed second batch of priority management substance according to the OSH Act. 依據“職業安全衛生法”台灣勞動部徵求對擬議中第二批優先管理物質的評論 2018-03-21
Taiwan EPA Announces Draft Amendment to the Regulation of New and Existing Chemical Substances Registration, TCSCA「新化學物質及既有化學物質資料登錄辦法」修正草案已於106/9/14公告 2017-09-19
TCSB held the consultation section and announnced the first batch of PECs for standard registration 既有化學物質標準登錄業界研商座談會發佈首批優選清單 2017-07-03
Registration dissemination website updated 化學物質登錄資訊公開查詢平台已更新 2017-06-02
Taiwan EPA to establish a new governmental agency for chemical management台灣環保署即將建立一個新的化學品政府管理機構 2016-10-11
- Taiwan SDS Information Withholding Application Available Online 申請保留揭示安全資料表資訊之網路傳輸申請方式 2016-09-1
- China Reach (MEP Order No.7) summarized by CIRS_中國環保部(MEP)發布的修訂版新化學物質環境管理規定(7號令)“ 中國REACH”摘要 2016-06-30
- 2016 Cross-Strait Chemical Regulation Develeopment Seminar coming in Kaohsiung Taiwan July 28敬邀參加2016兩岸化學品法規發展因應研討會 2016-06-15
- Taiwan MOL issued draft Guidance on Hazard Assessment and Exposure Assessment 勞動部發布新化學物質危害評估及暴露評估指引草案 2016-06-1
- Taiwan EPA has launched Importation Management and the Pre-confirmation platform貨品通關事前聲明確認平臺網站正式啟用 2016-04-07
- Taiwan EPA existing chemical Phase one registration is going to be closed by March 31st 既有化學物質第一階段登錄申請截止日期(3月31日)即將到期 2016-03-08
- Taiwan EPA is going to officially kick off the New and Existing Substance Registration Seminar 2016 新化學物質及既有化學物質資料登錄作業第一階段說明會要開跑嚕!! 2016-01-06
- Taiwan EPA is going to officially open the new chemical dissemination website on Dec.7th 新化學物質登錄資訊公開查詢平臺即將開放 2015-12-04
- Welcome to join the Global Business Summit: 22-25 February 2016 in Brussels by Cehmical Watch 敬邀參加歐洲 2016 國際化學品法規峰會 2015-11-30
- 2015.11.13 REACH OR Serminar in Kaohsiung 實務執行研討會 2015-10-20
- International Chemical Management Workshop is coming up on Nov. 5th in Taipei. 2015年國際化學品管理制度研討會_邀請歐盟、日本與韓國官員學者來台分享與交流 2015-10-02
- 2015 CNCIC Intl Chemical Registration Summit and Chemical Watch interviewed with Mr.Kimmy Wu 應邀中國化工信息中心2015國際化學品法規峰會主講與受邀專訪 2015-09-28
- Revised guidance made public 登錄工具說明與科學及產品與製程研發登錄工具說明 2015-09-11