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Taiwan Executive Yuan Passed the Amendment of TCSC Act「毒性化學物質管理法」修正案三讀通過 開創化學物質管理新紀元 2018-12-214
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Jointek Technology Corp.佳辰科技發展有限公司 13F, No.83, Jian Sing Rd., Sanmin Dist, Kaohsiung 807, Taiwan, R.O.C. 高雄市三民區建興路83號13樓
日本與韓國為我國重要關鍵的國際貿易夥伴,化學化工產品與台灣產業鏈間密切的發展與相互支援,特別在區域衝突與全球貿易關係情勢驟變,疫情後全球供應鏈變遷重組和茁壯過程中,企業確保當地法規符合為基本要求之外,提升化學品安全使用與高危害物質的消弭替代,更可以強化供應鏈與客戶對產品的信任與信賴,共同實踐責任生產與消費為共同全球產業的SDG永續目標。Registration: 課程內容 | 財團法人安全衛生技術中心 (sahtech.org)參考資料來源國際化學品法規電子短訊28 -112.11.06經濟部工業局REACH宣導網站:http://www.chemexp.org.tw http://www.jointek.tw/yellowpage/hot_476805.html IDB Chemical management seminar for Japan and Korea 11/23日本及韓國化學品管理最新趨勢說明會 開放報名 2023-11-06 2023-11-14 2024-11-14
Jointek Technology Corp.佳辰科技發展有限公司 13F, No.83, Jian Sing Rd., Sanmin Dist, Kaohsiung 807, Taiwan, R.O.C. 高雄市三民區建興路83號13樓 http://www.jointek.tw/yellowpage/hot_476805.html
Jointek Technology Corp.佳辰科技發展有限公司 13F, No.83, Jian Sing Rd., Sanmin Dist, Kaohsiung 807, Taiwan, R.O.C. 高雄市三民區建興路83號13樓 http://www.jointek.tw/yellowpage/hot_476805.html
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At the end of this year, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the support in the past and wish you have a happy and fruitful coming year! Happy holiday!

Executive Yuan Passed the Amendment of TCSC Act

Taiwan Executive Yuan approved the revision of the Toxic Chemical Substance Control Act in the current congressional section. The act bill moved by the examination committee dated on May 21st, and underwent the third reading on Dec. 21st, 2018.  TCSCA is now renamed as Toxics and Substance of Concerns Management Act. The Assembly supports the bill to include the following new installations:

l   Establishing a new category Chemicals of Concerns with over thousands of chemicals with exposure risks and food safety.

l   Allowing whistleblower protection against illegal toxic chemical operations

l   Engaging in emergency response and prevention preparation by coordinating chemical accident responding resource, reporting systems and funding by service users.

l   Allowing rights of litigation against operators of violating registration and management provisions of TCSC Act.

l   Operating an interagency board of safe chemical management with platform for coordinating 15 different levels of agencies and ministries

Supplementary regulations and management measures will be reviewed and revised accordingly within 6 months after the Act is officially proclaimed.

Reference: https://www.tcsb.gov.tw/cp-21-3231-c85c6-1.html (in Chinese)

CBI Withholding application on SDS

The Regulation for the Labeling and Hazard Communication of Hazardous Chemicals (the Regulation), authorized by the OSH Act Article 10, was amended to require disclosure of CAS No. of mixture in the 3rd section of SDS, unless CBI withholding is granted.  The amendment has been approved and published in the gazette on Nov. 9th, 2018:  https://gazette.nat.gov.tw/egFront/detail.do?metaid=102623&log=detailLog

Chemical supplier is liable to provide SDS to downstream workplaces complying with the Regulation.

l   Commencing January 1st, 2019, it is mandatory to disclosure CAS NO. (if applicable) of the ingredient contributing to hazards of mixtures, or ingredient concentrations complying with cut-off limits specified in the appendix.  CBI withholding of such ingredient including the full name and CAS No. is possible subject to application approved by the competent authority.  Therefore, generic name of such component on SDS can only be used when the CBI withholding application is granted by the authority.  Disclosure of chemical names and CAS No. are most relevant to risk management measure in workplace.  Time period of correction, cancelation, and abolishing is also stipulated to protect the rights of application and to secure examination time period.  Substances with PEL stipulated by the OSH Act cannot be granted for CBI withholding.

In 2018, ongoing field inspection by central and local authorities, as well as downstream users demanding for SDS, are driving the requirement of SDS in local language and proper GHS classification/labelling of chemicals to a high demand.  In the coming 2019, SDS and labelling compliance and delivery will continue to the prime measures of safe chemical operation key index in workplace.

SAHTECH Newsletter_2018_No.3 2018.12.21