Jointek Technology Corp.佳辰科技發展有限公司

Jointek Technology Corp.佳辰科技發展有限公司

◆Address: 13F, No.83, Jian Sing Rd., Sanmin Dist, Kaohsiung 807, Taiwan, R.O.C. 高雄市三民區建興路83號13樓 

◆Phone: +886-7-398-0005#15


◆About Us:

Mr. Kimmy Wu contributed to Chemical Watch_Global Business Summit Brussels 22/2/2016 and IDB Global Chemical Regulation Seminar Taiwan 5/10/2022
Jointek Technology Corp.
as being the TÜV SÜD Iberia, S.A.U. Commercial Office in Taiwan offers safety consulting services including process safety, explosion protection, fire prevention, risk analysis and chemical safety. It has been active through the “SWISSREACH” service since 2007 in the EU REACH consulting and OR mandate services for those Non-EU companies including top-ranked manufacturers/exporters in Taiwan for years.


JOINTEK also provides Third Party Representative (TPR) services to local importers assigned by international chemical suppliers outside Taiwan. Experienced collaborators and strategic partnerships allow JOINTEK to fulfil legally and factually the tasks dedicated to the TPR in the sense of the TCCSCA (Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substance Control Act) and Article 2 of the Regulation of New and Existing Chemical Substance Registration and Management.


“JOIN+TCCSCA” is the collaboration between partner and JOINTEK. The aim of this collaboration is to enable comprehensive services that are needed to implement and maintain TCCSCA and GHS in the customer’s organization. In particular, the composition of any substance listed within the Toxic Chemical Substances (on its own, in preparations or in articles) exported from those Non-Taiwanese companies to Taiwan will have to correspond exactly with the TCCSCA registration and/or notification, when needed.

佳辰科技發展有限公司」 是瑞士工業安全協會 (原Swissi已併入TÜV SÜD Iberia, S.A.U.)在台連絡辦事處及商務總代理, 提供安全及化學品合規諮詢服務(包括製程安全、爆炸防護、防火、風險分析、化工安全、化學物質註冊/測試、及GHS等),為目前在台除官方機構外最早執行 REACH實務訓練課程之中文諮詢顧問, 也是具有累積多年歐盟境外的台灣製造商/出口商(Non-EU companies)針對REACH實務影響經驗的交流平台。


自2007推出知名的「SWISSREACH」中文網站除及時提供REACH實用最新消息, 其專案業務包括REACH諮詢, 訓練及化學品檢測服務,並可代理台灣廠商在歐盟境內以"唯一代表人"OR身份 (Only Representative)進行REACH預註冊/註冊及測試等One Stop一貫服務。


目前OR/TPR代理登錄委任客戶已含括台灣前幾大化工集團公司及國外國際大廠, 唯有透過資深及專業諮詢顧問的豐富實務經驗提供最適化策略(Best-Fit)才能適時有效率取得最佳競爭優勢。


 為因應新修訂頒布的台灣毒性及關注物質管理法(TCCSCA, Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substance Control Act)提供外商公司因商業機密保密考量得由其代理商或輸入商委託公證做為第三方代理人 (TPR, Third Party Representative)「JOIN+TCSCA」專案服務以履行對環保署對既有及新化學物質登錄所應具有法律義務實務上的工作。特別當必要時, 任何一種經公告指定為毒性化學物質(Toxic Chemical Substances)的成份(包括物質本身, 在製備品或成品中)經由台灣境外公司出口到台灣,將必須完全並確切符合毒管法(TCCSCA)的登錄及/或申報義務。

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